Embedded payments is here

At RPY, we offer unparalleled expertise and a dedicated, all-inclusive program that empowers software companies to seamlessly transform into embedded payment providers.

Discover how becoming an embedded payment provider can significantly boost your revenue, enhance your control over pricing strategies, and elevate customer support. This model has proven to be the most rapidly expanding in the payments industry over the last decade and a catalyst for business growth.

Experience the advantages of embedded payments with RPY: rapid onboarding, advanced funding solutions, and streamlined pricing. A straightforward online merchant application process ensures that customers interact solely with your organization, fostering stronger relationships and superior service.

Choose RPY to navigate the complexities of embedded payments. We're here to ensure your success every step of the way.

From the initial engagement process to implementing policies and procedures and through comprehensive training across your organization, RPY is your dedicated partner every step of the way. We ensure a seamless transition and successful product rollout, empowering your embedded payments business to thrive.